Security Advisory – March 5

State University Student Association and the Opposition parties are planning a peaceful public protest and will stage a  demonstration in downtown area of Port-au-Prince on March 5, 2015. The demonstrators will claim their grievances against the HNP and the GOH and will demand justice  and freedom for  Chedler Guilloux a fellow student arrested on Feb. 23. 2015.

Gathering point will be in front of Perpetuel in Bel-Air. The planned itinary is as follow:

  • Bel-Air,
  • Champ-de-Mars

The organizers are expecting thousands of participants, This protest would however remain localized, small to medium scale and keep under control of the HNP forces.

We can anticipate that this demonstration could turn violent due to potential conflict that may arise between opposing groups of supporters and also disorders resulting from civil disruption

Precautionary movement restrictions:

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations will take place;
  • Curtail all unnecessary travels in the downtown area of Port-au-Prince;
  • Avoid crowds and congested areas.
  • Be constantly alert to your surroundings
  • Stay out of know dangerous areas of Port-au-Prince.

The above are some security basics that hopefully can assist you. With a bit of preparation and a whole of common sense, you can greatly reduce any potential for problems. Being prudent is being intelligent.


Haiti Carnival Period

Historically, and for those who celebrate this event in the traditional manner, carnival marks the beginning of one of the holiest times of the Haitian year, the event marks a time of prayer, reflection, forgiveness and rebirth.

The Carnival, which starts on the 15th of February, will mark the (official) beginning of 3 days of festivities. During that period the country stops and indulges in a riot of dancing, drinking and parades.

Unfortunately, the event has also become synonymous with excesses of alcohol and illegal substance consumption, often leading to disturbances and acts of violence. HNP officers will be out in full force to ensure security and safety.

Participants should be particularly vigilant before and during the festive and Carnival periods, as there is often a seasonal upsurge in crimes of opportunity (petty theft) around this time. Thefts from cars are common, and cases of car jacking occur. Everyone is a potential victim. Violence and crime can occur anywhere and often involve firearms or other weapons.

Precautionary measures:

  • Take particular care when walking and exercise caution and good judgment.
  • Avoid venturing out after dark in quiet streets.
  • Dress down; avoid wearing jewelry and expensive watches.
  • Avoid displaying large amount of money.
  • Conceal mobile phones and cameras.
  • Do not engage with strangers.

You should be ready to hand over your valuables if threatened; do not attempt to resist attackers as they will often use their weapons, particularly if under the influence of drugs.
